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Stop an Experiment

There are a couple of ways to stop an active A/B test:

  1. Firstly, you can select “Stop” from the overview page actions page.

    Stopping an experiment

  2. Select “Stop” from the View Results page.

    Stopping an experiment

    Stopping a test in different states have different outcomes, which are discussed below:

    • Stopping a scheduled test : the experiment will never commence and no users will be assigned to it. The results page will have no data. The experiment will move to Cancelled state. From there you’ll have the option to Delete experiment, if would like.

    Stopping an experiment

    • Stopping a running test : The experiment will stop acquiring any new users and the winner model will never run. The results page will show Goal metric Results and Core metrics data for the acquired users until that point, but no model results.

    Stopping an experiment

    • Stopping a complete test : An experiment is considered complete when it has run for enough time and has acquired enough players for our statistical models to determine if there is a clear winner and, if so, which variant is the one. However, this experiment will continue running (i.e., acquiring new users and sending the remote configs to experiment acquired players) until you decide to stop it, despite having generated the model already. Once you stop the test, the results will still appear under the experiment and you can come back to them as many times as desired.

    After clicking Stop you will receive the below message, and tests will show under the completed tab:

    Stopping an experiment

    The experiment will stay under Completed, unless you decide to Delete it