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Metrics & Dimensions

You may wonder how we define our metrics? The below tables define all of our Metrics and Dimensions.

Metric Definitions

ARPDAUAverage revenue per daily active user
ARPPUAverage revenue per paying user
AttemptsThe number of times players complete or fail any level per day
Average session lengthThe average number of seconds spent per session. Note: A session is defined by the time between when the game is opened or brought to the foreground to when the app is closed or sent to the background
Complete scoreThe score players receive when they complete a level
CompletesThe number of times players complete any level in your game
DAUDaily active users
DAU (New vs. Returning)The percent of your daily users who were new on that day
Error countThe count of error events occurring in your game
Fail scoreThe score players receive when they fail a level
FailsThe number of times players fail any level in your game
First time conversion rate (New Metric: Conversion Rate)The percent of your users who made their first purchase on that day
First time paying users (New metric: Converting Users)The count of your daily users who spent money for the first time ever in your game
First time revenue (not available)The amount of revenue from users spending money for the first time in your game
First time transactions (not available)The count of transactions coming from users making their first purchase
FlowThe balance of currency that your players spent and earned
StartsThe number of times players start any level in your game
MAUMonthly active users
Monetizer DAUThe count of your daily active users that have ever monetized in the game
New usersThe count of your daily users who were new that day
Number of sessionsThe count of sessions played on that day
Paying usersThe count of your daily users who spent money on that day
SinkThe amount of currency that your players spent or lost
SourceThe amount of currency that your players gained or earned
RetentionThe percent of users who installed on day D minus N days ago and showed up again on day D (N being the chosen day, e.g., N=1 for retention D1). We use the strict retention, so a user is considered retained only if they revisit on the exact specified day D, without accounting for previous days. Days are counted in UTC.
Returning usersThe count of users who showed up again X days after installing the game
RevenueThe sum of all transaction amounts
Revenue per transactionThe sum of all transaction amounts divided by the number of transactions
Session lengthThe amount of time that has passed between when the user starts the app, and when it is sent to background
Playtime per sessionAverage of total session length for each session
Playtime per userAverage of total session length for each user
TransactionsThe count of all transactions
Users affected by error eventsThe count of users affected by error events
WAUWeekly active users
Win percentageThe percentage of total level attempts that were completed

Dimension Definitions

AcquisitionThese filters are from data GameAnalytics garners from attribution partners. To see more information on what attribution partners we support, please click here . Filters include: Ad, Ad Group, Campaign, Keyword, Publisher, Site Source
BuildMetrics can be filtered by the particular game build.
CohortMetrics can be filtered by the particular week or month in which users installed the game.
CountryThe country filter is determined by the user’s IP address.
CustomThese filters are set when you instrument the GameAnalytics SDK. Learn more about custom dimensions here.
DeviceThe model of the phone the player is using
OS VersionThe OS version of the phone the player is using
Paying userMetrics can be filtered by users who have ever spent money in your game, or those who have not.
PlatformThe type of phone the player is using (e.g. iOS, Android or Windows Phone)