ARPDAU | Average revenue per daily active user |
ARPPU | Average revenue per paying user |
Attempts | The count of times players complete or fail any level |
Average session length | The average number of seconds spent per session. Note: A session is defined by the time between when the game is opened or brought to the foreground to when the app is closed or sent to the background |
Complete score | The score players receive when they complete a level |
Completes | The count of times players complete any level in your game |
DAU | Daily active users |
DAU (New vs. Returning) | The percent of your daily users who were new on that day |
Error count | The count of error events occurring in your game |
Fail score | The score players receive when they fail a level |
Fails | The count of times players fail any level in your game |
Conversion Rate | The percent of your users who made their first purchase on that day |
Converting Users | The count of your daily users who spent money for the first time ever in your game |
Flow | The balance of currency that your players spent and earned |
Starts | The count of times players start any level in your game |
MAU | Monthly active users |
New users | The count of your daily users who were new that day |
Number of sessions | The count of sessions played on that day |
Paying users | The count of your daily users who spent money on that day |
Sink | The amount of currency that your players spent or lost |
Source | The amount of currency that your players gained or earned |
Retention | The percent of users who installed on day D and returned N days later. We use the strict retention, so a user is considered retained only if they revisit on the exact specified day N, without accounting for previous days. Days are counted in UTC. |
Returning users | The count of users who showed up again X days after installing the game |
Revenue | The sum of all transaction amounts |
Revenue per transaction | The sum of all transaction amounts divided by The count of transactions |
Session length | The amount of time that has passed between when the user starts the app, and when it is sent to background |
Playtime per session | Average of total session length for each session |
Playtime per user | Average of total session length for each user |
Transactions | The count of all transactions |
Users affected by error events | The count of users affected by error events |
WAU | Weekly active users |
Win percentage | The percentage of total level attempts that were completed |