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Data Export

Once the DataSuite subscription is active Organization admins or higher can configure the Data Export feature.

To begin the configuration select the Edit option.

Data Export configuration

Configuration options

The following options are available for configuration:

  • Export data
  • Cloud storage
  • Destination properties (dependent upon choice of cloud storage)
  • Path (optional)

Export data

Two data types are available for exporting:

Raw DataReceive the data in jSON formatSee how the data will look here
Event DataReceive the data in Parquet formatSee how the data will look here

Raw Data Export supports exporting to both Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage, while Event Data Export only supports exporting to Amazon S3.

Cloud storage

The following cloud storage options are available:

  • Amazon S3
  • Google Cloud Storage

Amazon S3 configuration

To set up the Amazon S3 bucket configuration you need to add the bucket ARN and the region where the server is located. Make sure the bucket ARN follows the following format: arn:aws:s3:::bucket_name.
For region, make sure to have the server in this format: e.g: eu-west-1.

If any of these are not correctly configured the fields will not allow the values to be set.

Data Export fields invalid

Once the configuration is set up, the service status will change from Pending to Active and the data has started rolling into your storage!

Data Export successfull

In addition you also must give GameAnalytics permission to write to the Amazon S3 bucket.

Google Cloud Storage configuration

To set up a Google Cloud storage solution, again you will need a Cloud Storage bucket name and an optional path, that can be used to provide granular control over objects in the bucket to which data should be delivered.

Data Export successfull

In addition you need to create a Google Cloud Storage bucket and give write permission for GameAnalytics’s Service User.