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Technical Documentation

Event Types

If you are reading this, you are likely already using GameAnalytics for some or all of your games. In that case, you are probably familiar with the types of events used to track different concepts in the game. You can find detailed information on this topic at Event Types.

Event TypeDescription
BusinessIn-App Purchases supporting receipt validation on GameAnalytics servers.
ProgressionLevel attempts with Start, Fail & Complete event.
ResourceManaging the flow of virtual currencies – like gems or lives.
ErrorSubmit exception stack traces or custom error messages.
DesignSubmit custom event id’s. Useful for tracking metrics specifically needed for your game.
AdsAd actions such as ad clicks and ad impressions.
ImpressionTrack impression data shown from ads shown using different ad partners.

Most of these types are represented in the Data Warehouse in different tables. In addition, we make tables with varying aggregation levels available to you, so you can choose which one to query depending on the use case.

In Data Warehouse you can find two datasets, checkpoint and events.

Checkpoints dataset

The checkpoint tables are aggregated daily. These tables have up to 1 year of data and will be available as soon as you sign up, as long as your game has been sending events to GameAnalytics.

The player_checkpoint table has the bulk of the information about the player, and can be used to join with all the other tables on the user_id, game_id or player_id.

The tables are:

TableFilterAggregationDescriptionUse Cases
PlayerAll playersPlayer idIncludes information and statistics per player, anything from errors, event or session counts, if it’s a paying user, etc.Track the players assigned to a specific A/B Testing experiment ,or figure out if there is any specific device type that is causing most critical errors.
PaymentBusiness EventsTransactionIncludes information on all In-App Purchases / business transactions.Understand which item is the most profitable one in your game, or which currency is bringing in the most revenue.
ProgressionProgression eventsEvent idIncludes statistics on levelling events (such as level Start, Fail or Complete and scores).Segment your pool of players depending on how good they are at the game (scores), or how far ahead in the game they already are (levels).
ResourceResource eventsEvent idIncludes virtual transactions, such as loosing lives or gaining gems.Figure out which soft currencies are the most popular and easily earned by players.
SessionAll sessions.Session idIncludes information on all sessions, such as start and duration.Dive into how players’ sessions vary over time. Do players play more or less during the weekends or during the holiday period?
AdsAd EventsEvent idIncludes information on all ads, such as ad placement, clicks and impressions.Based on the ad placement and ad action, gives us an insight of the ads shown and clicked by a player.
ImpressionImpression EventsEvent idIncludes information on all impressions, such as impression level revenue and counts.Impression data could vary from each network. How much revenue is attributed to the impression events and the number of such events seen.

Please note these tables have 1 year retention. If you wish to keep the data for longer you'll need to copy it to a different table or export it.

Reach out to us if you need assistance.

Events dataset

The event tables not aggregated, meaning each event will be represented by one row, giving you access to the timestamp of each event. Because of this granularity, these tables have up to 30 days of data, and will only be populated once you start using Player Warehouse.

The tables are:

adactivityAd eventsIncludes information of how players interact with ads and ads performance.
designDesign EventsIncludes information on custom concepts of your game.
errorError eventsIncludes information on error events, their severity and debug messages.
impressionImpression eventsIncludes information on impressions.
paymentPayment eventsIncludes information on all In-App Purchases / business transactions.
progressionProgression EventsIncludes information on leveling events (such as level Start, Fail or Complete and scores).
resourceResource EventsIncludes virtual transactions, such as losing lives or gaining gems.

Please note these tables have 30 days retention. If you wish to keep the data for longer you'll need to copy it to a different table or export it.

Reach out to us if you need assistance.

Data Access

Once you order Data Warehouse, we’ll generate your organisation's dedicated Data Warehouse using a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.

To provide you access to Data Warehouse, we request a google group instead of a specific email. This method allows you to manage who has access to Player Warehouse by controlling who is in the group. If you need help creating a google group, check the steps in Google's documentation here.

The data for your chosen games will be available in Google’s Cloud Data Warehouse, BigQuery; feel free to check its official documentation here or go to the next page for a brief introduction to BigQuery and Data Warehouse.

Export to S3

If you prefer to receive the data in AWS S3, we can also export the files in Parquet format.

Reach out to us to know more.