Realtime Dashboard
The Realtime dashboard provides the possibility of seeing your data for the past 24 hours. The time to update the data here is around 5 or 6 minutes, which makes the Realtime dashboard extremely useful when first integrating a GameAnalytics SDK, as it allows for quick inspection of the data. In addition, it can also be used to monitor live campaigns, and to quickly gauge the impact the said campaign has on the number of users.
Realtime Dashboard widgets
The Realtime dashboard contains widgets visualizing metrics that help you after you have integrated the GameAnalytics SDK to monitor different areas of your games. It also allows for quick monitoring of errors and error events:
- New Users
- Active Users
- Returning Users
- Revenue
- Transactions
- Unique sessions
- Error events
- Error reports
The error event table allows you to see the type of errors your games encountered and to easily switch between different types of errors. You can also search these errors by looking for the error message, and you can even copy and view the stack traces.
Live events
The Live Events section allows you to visualize the latest 50 events that your game has fired, in JSON format. This is how you would receive the data via Raw Export, which is one of our data tools for advanced users.
It is possible to filter by all available event types, builds, and user IDs when viewing the events in this section. This is again extremely useful when integrating and testing, as you can send a type of event and easily see if it has been fired or not. You can also quickly copy the user ID or event to the clipboard by selecting the button represented by three vertical dots.
SDK Status
Lastly, you can use the “SDK Status” button available in the Realtime Dashboard section to see all the different version of SDKs that you have integrated in your games, and you can see the number of users for each of these different versions: