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Interpret Funnel Results


Funnels can be processed and deliver results within seconds. We currently generate “Any Order” Funnels, which means that the events added do not need to have been completed in chronological order. As long as the player has completed it within the date range, it will count as a converted step.


The Funnel results will show you how your players performed with the steps you selected and you'll be able to:

  • See the completion rate and churn across your entire Funnel.
  • See which specific step had the biggest drop-off.
  • Get a breakdown of each individual step.
  • Switch between percentages and unique player numbers. (screenshot below, red square)
  • Add Filters from the top right (screenshot below, green square).
  • Export the Funnel to a CSV file (screenshot below, blue square).

Funnel Results

In addition you can also visualise the following in the "Summary" section:

  • Total Conversion - Percentage of users that, having matched the first step, also matched all other steps.
  • Total Churn - Percentage of users having matched the first step, that have not matched all other steps.
  • Total Users - An estimate of the number of users matching the first step.
  • Biggest Drop - The zero-based index of the step that had the largest percentage of users drop off compared to the previous step.

As mentioned earlier GameAnalytics supports two versions of Funnels, standard funnels, which can be used for any type of events, and progression funnels, used exclusively for progression events. In the next sections we will present what the results signify, for each type of funnel:

Standard Funnel Results

As mentioned earlier standard funnels are used when you do not want to exclusively look at progression events. Whether you would like to look at a user journey making use of Design, Resource, Progression or more, this type of Funnel is what you are looking for.

  • Total Conversion - Percentage of users that, having matched the first step, also matched all other steps.
  • Total Churn - Percentage of users having matched the first step, that have not matched all other steps.
  • Total Users - An estimate of the number of users matching the first step.
  • Biggest Drop - The zero-based index of the step that had the largest percentage of users drop off compared to the previous step.
  • Step Completion - Users who, having matched all steps up to the previous one, also matched this step.
  • Churn - Users who, having matched all steps up to the previous one, have not matched this step.
  • Total completion - Users who, having matched the first step, also matched all steps up to this one.

Standard Funnel

Progression Funnel

Progression funnels are exclusively tailored for progression events, and as such you cannot change the status of the events. The status for the progression funnels are start for the first step, complete, and fail on the subsequent steps.

  • Total conversion - Users that, having had a Start event for the first step, also had a Complete event for all steps.
  • Total churn - Users that, having had a Start event for the first step, did not have a Complete event for all steps.
  • Biggest drop - The zero-based index of the step that had the largest percentage of users drop off compared to the previous step. In particular, for each step we’re estimating how many users had Complete events for all previous steps (if any) and then a Start event for the current step. Then we find the step where the fall in percentage points was the greatest.
  • Step completion - Users that had a Complete event for the previous step (if any) and the current step.
  • Churn - Users that had a Complete event for the previous step but did not have a Complete event for the current step. For the first step, this is always null.
  • Complete/Start ratio - Users that had Complete events for all previous steps plus Start and Complete events for this step, divided by the number of users who had Complete events for all previous steps plus a Start event for this step.
  • Fail/Complete ratio - Users that had Complete events for all previous steps plus a Fail event for the current step, divided by the number of users who had Complete events for the current step and all previous steps.
  • Total completion - Users who had a Complete event for the current step and all previous steps.

Standard Funnel


One last piece of information to share is that Funnels use approximations, and the algorithm is different from the rest of the tool. The reason for this is to allow intersection reporting. E.g: User completed step A and also user completed step B. This is why you can see number differences between the Explore Tool and Funnels, by selecting the same events.