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As the name suggests, this feature allows you to view retention for the past year, or previous years.

While looking at a particular year, you can specify if you’d like to look at certain halves or quarters, by going to “Period”, and selecting the appropriate options.

The data is also available in a heatmap format.


It can be accessed by selecting the button found in the image below:

Heatmap button


The engagement feature allows you to analyze how much time users spend in your game per day, how long their sessions are, how many of them are new users, etc… . See the full list below:

  • Playtime
  • Session Length
  • Session Count
  • New Users
  • Install Ratio

To learn more about these metrics, please visit the following page.

Heatmap button


The monetization feature allows you to analyze metrics that deal with in app purchases, and how your game compares to top earning games: The monetization dashboard allows for the following metrics to be compared:

  • ARPPU (Average revenue per paying users)
  • ARPDAU (Average revenue per paying users)
  • Conversion rate

One note related to the data that you are seeing on this dashboard is that the number recorded for each of the quantiles, on the visualization, is the biggest record found, from the list of numbers. For example, if the top 2% quantile displays $60 for ARPPU, then that is the highest value found in the dataset.



The advertising feature allows you to analyze the cost of ads. Whether you would like to compare your games cost per click, cost per install, and more, to other games, this dashboard has you covered:

At the moment the advertising dashboard supports the following metrics:

  • CPC (cost per click)
  • CPI (cost per install)
  • CPM (cost per Mille)
  • CTR (click-through rate)

Note that advertising data is provided by the attribution service Adjust.
