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Start sending to GameAnalytics relevant attribution data from Adjust.

Adjust provides GameAnalytics with attribution data on installs, to allow you to correlate the stored data by source.


All you have to do is give Adjust the Game key you received from us and we will take care of the rest. How do you do that?

  1. Go to Your Apps in the Adjust web page.
  2. Select the game and go to Settings
  3. Choose Partner Setup -> Analytics -> GameAnalytics
  4. Insert the Game key in the API Key textbox

Remember, the Game key can be easily found by clicking the Game settings option of your game.

Game Settings

The Game key in the textbox mentioned at step 4.

Game Key

More information about this service you can find at this link.

Event mapping

On install

GameAnalytics fieldsAdjust fieldsDescriptionExample
attribution_partneradjustAttribution partner nameadjust
ios_idfvidfvUppercase iOS ID for vendorsCCB300A0-DE1B-4D48-BC7E-599E453B8DD4
ios_idfaidfaID for advertisers (iOS only)8C6CBCOD-5F43-4765-A6E6-84DFF3D24707
google_aidgps_adidGoogle Play Store advertising ID (Android only)38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e40000d
android_idandroid_idAndroid ID (Android only)3accef2d7286d0de
install_publishernetwork_nameNetwork name, as taken from the trackerNetwork1
install_campaigncampaign_nameCampaign name, as taken from the trackerChristmas
install_adgroupadgroup_nameAdgroup name, as taken from the trackerReindeers