Event Tracking
GameAnalytics features the following event types:
Event | Description |
Ad | Ads shown and clicked, fill rate. |
Business | In-App Purchases supporting receipt validation on GA servers. |
Design | Submit custom event id’s. Useful for tracking metrics specifically needed for your game. |
Error | Submit exception stack traces or custom error messages. |
Health | Automatically submits health metrics related to your game such as FPS. |
Impression | Impression data from different ad networks |
Progression | Level attempts with Start, Fail & Complete event. |
Resource | Managing the flow of virtual currencies - like gems or lives |
Read more about events here
Business Events
Business events are used to track IAP (real money transactions inside your game). With GameAnalytics for Unreal you can send events using either blueprints or C++.
Business Events in Blueprints
You can add a business event without validation as shown below:
The GameAnalytics action used is “Add Business Event”
Game Currency Type should be set to the currency code in ISO 4217 format.
The currency Amount
should be set to the amount in cents (or the lowest currency denominator).
Receipt validation is supported for the following stores:
- App Store (iOS)
- Google Play Store (Android)
Get Receipts Using SDKBOX Unreal IAP (Android and iOS)
It is assumed that you have already set up and configured SDKBOX IAP correctly, if not please go here for more information on how to do this.
Make sure you have enabled user side verification:
Now depending on your platform use Add Business Event Android
or Add Business Event iOS
On Android receiptCipheredPayload
contains the signature needed for the business events and on iOS receiptCipheredPayload
is the receipt.
For iOS (iOS7+ only) you can also auto-fetch receipts like this (use “Add Business Event and Auto Fetch Receipt”
Field | Type | Description | Example |
itemType | string | The type / category of the item. | GoldPacks |
itemId | string | Specific item bought. | 1000GoldPack |
cartType | string | The game location of the purchase. | EndOfLevel |
iOS Fields | Type | Description | Example |
receipt | base64 string | The App Store receipt. Nil allowed. Read more about App Store receipt here. | null |
| Android Fields | Type | Description |
| -------------- | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| signature | base64 string | INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE
. null allowed. | Read more about Android signature here. |
| receipt | base64 string | INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA
. Nil allowed. Read more about Android receipt here. |
Business Events in C++
Due to differences in receipts you will have to call different functions for iOS and Android.
On iOS you only have to pass the receipt, make sure to wrap your code around a define check so it's only called for iOS.
UGameAnalytics::addBusinessEvent("USD", 99, "coinPack", "coinPack100", "shop", "testReceipt");
On Android you will need to also pass the signature (INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE
, check the table above for more information)
UGameAnalytics::addBusinessEvent("USD", 99, "coinPack", "coinPack100", "shop", "testReceipt", "testSignature");
Other Platforms
Since other platforms do not support receipts, you can just send a generic business event as showcased below. In case you need to add extra data (like a receipt for another platform), please consider adding a custom event field.
UGameAnalytics::addBusinessEvent("USD", 99, "coinPack", "coinPack100", "shop");
Custom Business Event Fields
It is possible to use a set of key-value pairs to add extra fields but it will only be available through raw data export. Here is an example of how to use it:
TSharedRef<FJsonObject> fields = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject());
fields->SetNumberField(TEXT("test"), 100);
fields->SetStringField(TEXT("test2"), TEXT("hello_world"));
UGameAnalytics::addBusinessEvent("USD", 99, "coinPack", "coinPack100", "shop", fields);
For more information on custom event fields and raw data export go here.
For more information about the business event go here.
Ad Events
The GameAnalytics ad event needs to be called when certain events happen for the implemented ad sdk’s.
An ad sdk has callback methods activating code when certain things are activated (like ad show or ad clicked). To use the ad event it is need to call the GameAnalytics SDK when these delegates are called.
Ad Events in Blueprints
The GameAnalytics action used is “Add Ad Event”
, “Add Ad Event with Duration”
or “Add Ad Event with No Ad Reason”
Field | Type | Description | Example |
adAction | enum | A defined enum for ad action (for example clicked). | EGAAdAction::clicked EGAAdAction::show EGAAdAction::failedshow EGAAdAction::rewardreceived |
adType | enum | A defined enum for ad type (for example interstitial). | EGAAdType::Video EGAAdType::rewardedvideo EGAAdType::playable EGAAdType::interstitial EGAAdType::offerWall EGAAdType::banner |
adSdkName | string | Name of the Ad/Ad mediation SDK. | admob |
adPlacement | string | Identifier of ad in the game or the placement of it. | level_complete_ad |
adPlacement | string | Identifier of ad in the game or the placement of it. | level_complete_ad |
duration | int | Optional. Only used for video ads to track how long the user watched the video for. | 10 |
noAdReason | enum | Optional. Used to track the reason for not being able to show an ad when needed (for example no fill). | EGAAdError::unknown EGAAdError::offline EGAAdError::nofill EGAAdError::internalerror EGAAdError::invalidrequest EGAAdError::unabletoprecache |
Ad Events in C++
The C++ function uses the same parameters as the Blueprint function. You just have to call UGameAnalytics::AddAdEvent
(or its variations) with the required parameters as shown below:
UGameAnalytics::AddAdEvent(EGAAdAction::show, EGAAdType::interstitial "admob", "level_end");
UGameAnalytics::AddAdEventWithDuration(EGAAdAction::show, EGAAdType::video, "admob", "level_end", 5000);
UGameAnalytics::AddAdEventWithNoAdReason(EGAAdAction::failedshow, EGAAdType::interstitial, "admob", "level_end", EGAAdError::nofill);
Custom Ad Event Fields
It is possible to use a set of key-value pairs to add extra fields but it will only be available through raw data export. Here is an example of how to use it:
TSharedRef<FJsonObject> fields = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject());
fields->SetNumberField(TEXT("test"), 100);
fields->SetStringField(TEXT("test2"), TEXT("hello_world"));
UGameAnalytics::AddAdEventWithNoAdReason(EGAAdAction::failedshow, EGAAdType::interstitial, "admob", "level_end", EGAAdError::nofill, fields);
For more information on custom event fields and raw data export go here.
For more information about Ad Events go here.
Impression Events
Impression events are only supported by the android and iOS platforms. Not all sdks will offer Unreal support (whilist support for iOS, android and unity is much more common).
Read more about Impression Events here
Resource Events
Resources events are used to track your in-game economy. From setting up the event you will be able to see three types of events in the tool. Flow, the total balance from currency spent and rewarded. Sink is all currency spent on items, and lastly source, being all currency rewarded in game.
Resource Events in Blueprints
The GameAnalytics action used is “Add Resource Event”
should be set to the specific item bought.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
flowType | enum | yes | Add (source) or substract (sink) resource. |
currency | string | yes | One of the available currencies set in Project Settings for the GameAnalytics plugin. This string can only contain [A-Za-z] characters. |
itemType | string | yes | One of the available item types set in Project Settings for the GameAnalytics plugin. |
Resource Events in C++
UGameAnalytics::addResourceEvent(EGAResourceFlowType::sink, "gold", 1, "boost", "rainbowBoost");
Be careful to not call the resource event too often!
In a game where the user collect coins fairly fast you should not call a Source
event on each pickup. Instead you should count the coins and send a single Source
event when the user either completes or fails the level.
Custom Resource Event Fields
It is possible to use a set of key-value pairs to add extra fields but it will only be available through raw data export. Here is an example of how to use it:
TSharedRef<FJsonObject> fields = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject());
fields->SetNumberField(TEXT("test"), 100);
fields->SetStringField(TEXT("test2"), TEXT("hello_world"));
UGameAnalytics::addResourceEvent(EGAResourceFlowType::sink, "gold", 1, "boost", "rainbowBoost", fields);
For more information on custom event fields and raw data export go here.
For more information about Resource Events go here
Progression Events
Progression events are used to measure player progression in the game. They follow a 3 tier hierarchy structure (world, level and phase) to indicate a player’s path or place.
Progression Events in Blueprints
A Business event should be set up in Blueprint as shown below.
and score:
and score:
and score:
The GameAnalytics action starting with “Add Progression Event with*”
Field | Type | Required | Description |
progressionStatus | enum | yes | Start , Complete or Fail |
progression01 | string | yes | 1st progression (e.g. world01 ). |
progression02 | string | no | 2nd progression (e.g. level01 ). |
progression03 | string | no | 3rd progression (e.g. phase01 ). |
score | int | no | Score of the attempt |
At least progression01
must be set for such events (an empty value is not allowed).
Progressions need to be set in order (e.g: you cannot have only progression01
and progression03
, nor progression02
and progression03
, you are required to start from 01 and continue)
Progression Events in C++
UGameAnalytics::addProgressionEvent(EGAProgressionStatus::start, "level", "wildWest", "day1");
UGameAnalytics::addProgressionEvent(EGAProgressionStatus::complete, "level", "wildWest", "day1", 3);
//example of progression event without using progression02 nor progression03
UGameAnalytics::addProgressionEvent(EGAProgressionStatus::complete, "level1", "", "", 3);
Custom Event Fields
It is possible to use a set of key-value pairs to add extra fields but it will only be available through raw data export. Here is an example of how to use it:
TSharedRef<FJsonObject> fields = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject());
fields->SetNumberField(TEXT("test"), 100);
fields->SetStringField(TEXT("test2"), TEXT("hello_world"));
UGameAnalytics::addProgressionEvent(EGAProgressionStatus::complete, "level1", "", "", 3, fields);
For more information on custom event fields and raw data export go here.
Error Events
Used to track custom error events in the game. This event should be used when something goes wrong inside the game's logic (also note that unhandled exceptions & crashes will be automatically sent over as error events). It is possible to group the events by severity level and attach a message.
Error Events in Blueprints
The GameAnalytics action used is “Add Error Event”
Error should be set to the severity of the error recorded. The following severity levels are accepted:
Field | Type | Required | Description |
severity | enum | yes | Debug , Info , Warning , Error or Critical |
message | string | no | Custom error message |
Error Events in C++
The C++ function will take the same parameters as the blueprint function.
UGameAnalytics::addErrorEvent(EGAErrorSeverity::error, "failed to load level");
Custom Error Event Fields
It is possible to use a set of key-value pairs to add extra fields but it will only be available through raw data export. Here is an example of how to use it:
TSharedRef<FJsonObject> fields = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject());
fields->SetNumberField(TEXT("test"), 100);
fields->SetStringField(TEXT("test2"), TEXT("hello_world"));
UGameAnalytics::addErrorEvent(EGAErrorSeverity::warning, "invalid score value", fields);
For more information on custom event fields and raw data export go here.
Read more about Error Events here
Design Events
Used to track any type of design event that you want to measure, f.x. GUI elements or tutorial steps. Custom dimensions are not supported for design events.
Design Events in Blueprints
The GameAnalytics actions that can be used to send Design events are: “Add Design Event”
and “Add Design Event with Value”
The event name is a String which can consist of 1 to 5 segments. Segments are seperated by ‘:’ and segments can have a max length of 64 characters. (e.g. "segment1:anotherSegment:gold"
Field | Type | Required | Description |
eventId | string | yes | Event id |
value | float | no | Optional custom value |
Design Events in C++
You can also call a design event directly from C++ using the same parameters:
UGameAnalytics::addDesignEvent("Enemy:Killed", 3);
Custom Design Event Fields
It is possible to use a set of key-value pairs to add extra fields but it will only be available through raw data export. Here is an example of how to use it:
TSharedRef<FJsonObject> fields = MakeShareable(new FJsonObject());
fields->SetNumberField(TEXT("test"), 100);
fields->SetStringField(TEXT("test2"), TEXT("hello_world"));
UGameAnalytics::addDesignEvent("Enemy:Killed", 3, fields);
For more information on custom event fields and raw data export go here.
For more information on the design event go here.