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Health Events


For more information about health events read here


Heath events are only available on iOS and Android for the time being!

Health events are a special type of optional events that will collect information about the device and general performance metrics. Enabling health events such as SDK Init Event and Performance Event will offer more insight.

Hardware Tracking

While not being a separate event, enabling hardware tracking will attach additional information about the device to health events.

cpu_modelname of the cpu
hardwaredevice's chipset
cpu_num_corestotal number of physical cpu cores
resolutionresolution of the device as a string, e.g: "WidthXHeight"
memory_sys_total*total system memory expressed in MB
memory_sys_used*memory used by the whole system at the time of the reading, expressed in MB
memory_app_used*memory used by the app alone at the time of the reading, expressed in MB

(*) Require memory tracking to be enabled

SDK Init Event

SDK Init event - event that is sent every time the app is starting and loading into memory for the first time, not when users return and resume an in-memory game.
You can enable the SDK Init event in the Advanced tab inside the Settings menu of GameAnalytics inside the Unity Editor.

Unity Select Settings

App Boot Time

The SDK init event will also track the app boot time, this is defined as the time between the start of the game (e.g: the process) to the moment that GameAnalytics is initialized (e.g: GameAnalytics.Initialize(gameKey, secretKey)).


To better measure start-up times you can initialize GameAnalytics after the game has loaded its resources.

Performance Event

If enabled, the performance event will collect performance metrics during the playtime session. This event will be automatically sent at the end of the session.

Unity Select Settings

FPS Tracking

If enabled, GameAnalytics will automatically record the averaged FPS values every second across the play session. The values will be sent at the end of every session as part of the Performance event.

fps_data_tableGameAnalytics will record the averaged FPS value every second and aggregate the values into buckets from 0 to 120 each correspoding to an FPS value (e.g: bucket #60 contains the number of 60fps samples)

Memory Tracking

If enabled, GameAnalytics will automatically record memory consumptionacross the play session. The values will be sent at the end of every session as part of the Performance event.

Every 5 seconds, GameAnalytics will query the total memory used by the device and total memory used by the application alone. Those will be stored as percentages of total device memory.

mem_sys_data_tablememory usage across the whole system expressed in percents of the total device memory
memory_app_data_tablememory usage of the application alone expressed in percents of the total device memory

Legacy FPS Submission


This method has been deprecated. Prefer to use the new FPS histograms as described above.

Automatic FPS submission

By default, GameAnalytics will collect and submit the application fps for iOS and android applications as long as you're using version 4.7.0 or later.

Submit Average FPS

  • Enable this to calculate and submit average FPS automatically.
  • The frame rendering will be monitored during an interval of 20 seconds. Then a design event called GA:AverageFPS is submitted with the average FPS as a value

Submit Critical FPS

The average FPS is useful for general performance overview, but it will not detect critical FPS drops. These drops are often more noticeable by players versus a low (but steady) average FPS.

Enable the critical fps detection to submit an event when sudden drops in FPS are detected. This is done by calculating average FPS over the last second. If this should drop below 10 it will register this occurrence internally. After 20 seconds it will select the lowest critical FPS registered (if any) and submit a design event called GA:CriticalFPS with the critical average FPS.