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Report metrics and calculations

Game reports

Daily Game Summary report

Key performance metricDescription
Daily Active Users (DAU)Unique users yesterday.
Compared to the same day a week before.
Daily InstallsNew users yesterday.
Compared to the same day a week before.
Conversion to payingNumber of players making their first in-game purchase yesterday.
Compared to the same day a week before.
Paying usersNumber of players making an in-game purchase yesterday.
Compared to the same day a week before.
Retention Day1Percentage of new users on the day before yesterday (2 days ago), that also played yesterday.
Compared to Day1 Retention a week before.
Retention Day7Percentage of new users 8 days ago that also played yesterday.
Compared to Day7 Retention a week before.
Total RevenueTotal sum of IAP revenue generated yesterday.
Compared to the same day a week before.
ARPPUAverage Revenue Per Paying user yesterday.
Compared to the same day a week before.

Daily schedule and channel

ScheduleRepeat daily

Daily querying period

The report is querying a primary KPI period and comparing results to querying a comparison KPI period. Below we describe these periods. Retention querying is described separately.

KPI PeriodDescription
Primary KPI periodQuery single day.
Comparison KPI periodQuery single day.
7 days before yesterday

A report scheduled to run on Tuesday the 20th will run some hours after UTC 00:00. For DAU the primary KPI will query yesterday (Monday the 19th) and the comparison KPI will query Monday the 12th (7 days ago).

Retention Day1.
Primary KPI period
Query single day
Percentage of new users 2 days ago that also played yesterday.
Retention Day1.
Comparison KPI period
Query single day.
Percentage of new users 3 days ago that also played 2 days ago.
Retention Day7.
Primary KPI period
Query single day.
Percentage of new users 8 days ago that also played yesterday.
Retention Day7.
Comparison KPI period
Query single day.
Percentage of new users 15 days ago that also played 8 days ago.

Weekly Game Summary report

Key performance metricDescription
Weekly Active Users (WAU)Unique users the previous week.
Compared to the week before it.
Weekly InstallsNew users the previous week.
Compared to the week before it.
Conversion to PayingNumber of players their first in-game purchase during the previous week.
Compared to the week before it.
Paying UsersNumber of players making an in-game purchase during the previous week.
Compared to the week before it.
Retention Day1The percentage of new users during a previous 7 day period that returned 1 day later. The 7 day period started 8 days ago (7+1).
Compared to a 7 day period before that.
Retention Day7The percentage of new users during a previous 7 day period that returned 7 days later. The 7 day period started 14 days ago (7+7).
Compared to a 7 day period before that.
Total RevenueTotal sum of IAP revenue generated the previous week.
Compared to the week before it.
ARPPUAverage Revenue Per Paying User the previous week.
Compared to the week before it.

Weekly schedule and channel

ScheduleRepeat weekly on mondays

Weekly reports are scheduled every Monday and query the previous week from Monday-Sunday.

Weekly querying periods

The report is querying a primary KPI period and comparing results to querying a comparison KPI period. Below we describe these periods. Retention querying is described separately.

KPI PeriodDescription
Primary KPI periodQuery 7 days.
Previous calendar week from Monday - Sunday
Comparison KPI periodQuery 7 days.
The week before the previous calendar week from Monday - Sunday
Retention Day1.
Primary KPI period
Query 7 days.
From 8 days before yesterday to 1 day before yesterday.
Retention Day1.
Comparison KPI period
Query 7 days.
From 15 days before yesterday to 8 days before yesterday.
Retention Day7.
Primary KPI period
Query 7 days.
From 14 days before yesterday to 7 days before yesterday.
Retention Day7.
Comparison KPI period
Query 7 days.
From 21 days before yesterday to 14 days before yesterday.

Monthly Game Summary report

Key performance metricDescription
Monthly Active Users (MAU)Unique users during the past 30 days.
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Monthly InstallsNew users during the past 30 days.
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Conversion to PayingNumber of players making their first in-game purchase during the past 30 days.
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Paying UsersThe number of unique paying users during the past 30 days.
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Retention Day1The percentage of new users during a previous 30 day period that returned 1 day later. The 30 day period started 31 days ago (30+1).
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Retention Day7The percentage of new users during a previous 30 day period that returned 7 days later. The 30 day period started 37 days ago (30+7).
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Retention Day30The percentage of new users during a previous 30 day period that returned 30 days later. The 30 day period started 60 days ago (30+30).
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
Total RevenueTotal sum of IAP revenue during the past 30 days.
Compared to the 30 day period before it.
ARPPUAverage Revenue Per Paying User the past 30 days.
Compared to the 30 day period before it.

Monthly schedule and Channel

ScheduleRepeat every 1st of month (UTC)

Monthly reports are scheduled every 1st of the month and query the last 30 days (not calendar month). This approach was decided to better understand performance versus a previous period (having the same number of days).

Monthly querying periods

The report is querying a primary KPI period and comparing results to querying a comparison KPI period. Below we describe these periods. Retention querying is described separately.

KPI PeriodDescription
Primary KPI periodQuery 30 Days.
From 30 days before yesterday to yesterday
Comparison KPI periodQuery 30 Days.
From 60 days before yesterday to 30 days before yesterday

A monthly report is activated Thursday on December 1st. The MAU primary KPI period will be 30 days, from Tuesday the 1st of November to Wednesday the 30th of November, while the comparison KPI period will be a period of 30 days from Sunday the 2nd of October to Monday the 31st of October.

Retention Day1.
Primary KPI period
Query 30 days.
From 31 days before yesterday to 1 day before yesterday.
Retention Day1.
Comparison KPI period
Query 30 days.
From 61 days before yesterday to 31 days before yesterday.
Retention Day7.
Primary KPI period
Query 30 days.
From 37 days before yesterday to 7 days before yesterday.
Retention Day7.
Comparison KPI period
Query 30 days.
From 67 days before yesterday to 37 days before yesterday.
Retention Day30.
Primary KPI period
Query 30 days.
From 60 days before yesterday to 30 days before yesterday.
Retention Day30.
Comparison KPI period
Query 30 days.
From 90 days before yesterday to 60 days before yesterday.

Organization reports

Overview Summary report

MetricDefinitionTime queried
DAU (daily average)On a day - sum of active users across all games.
Across many days - calculate per day and divide by number of days.
Any period. Single or more.
New Users (total)Sum of new users for all games over all days targetedAny period. Single or more.
New Users (daily)On a day - sum of new users (installs) across all games.
Across many days calculate per day, and divide by amount of days.
Any period. Single or more.
Playtime (daily per user)The weighted mean (by DAU) of playtime per user per day across all games.Any period. Single or more.
Sessions (daily per user)Sum of session count per game.Any period. Single or more.
New vs Returning (daily)New users divided by DAU. Weighted means across games.Any period. Single or more.
DAU vs MAU (daily)Total DAU divided by total MAU across all games.Any period. Single or more.
Retention Day 1Weighted mean of Day 1 Retention acro1ss all games.Any period. Single or more.
Retention Day 7Weighted mean of Day 7 Retention across all games.Any period. Single or more.

Revenue Summary report

MetricDefinitionTime queried
DAU (daily average)On a day - sum of active users across all games.
Across many days - calculate per day and divide by number of days.
Any period. Single or more.
Revenue (total IAP+ILRD)Sum of impression revenue and IAP (business events) over all games in dollars.Any period. Single or more.
Impression RevenueThe sum of impression revenue over all games.Any period. Single or more.
IAP Revenue (total validated)Sum of IAP (business events) with a receipt validation = validated, over all games.Any period. Single or more.
IAP Revenue (total)Sum of IAP (business events) over all games.Any period. Single or more.
Impression count (total)The count of impressions over all games.Any period. Single or more.
ARPDAU (IAP+ILRD)Average revenue (IAP+ILRD) per DAU over all games per day.Any period. Single or more.
ARPDAU (IAP)Average revenue (IAP) per DAU over all games per day.Any period. Single or more.
ARPDAU (ILRD)Average revenue (ILRD) per DAU over all games per day.Any period. Single or more.

Top Games report

DAUUnique active users for a period.Compare to a previous period.
MAU (last 30 days)Unique Active users for the last 30 days.Compare to a previous period.
New UsersNew unique users for a period.Compare to a previous period.
IAP RevenueSum of IAP(business events) for a period.Compare to a previous period.
Impression RevenueSum of impression revenue for a period.Compare to a previous period.